Did you sleep wearing a bra? Sleeping wearing innerwear can cause fungal infections

Wearing a bra does not spoil the body shape and provides support to the upper part of the body. Also, the bust avoids loosening. There are many types of bras available in the market, but using the wrong bra can harm your health. 

Apart from this, there are many disadvantages of sleeping and wearing a bra. Celebrity fashion stylist Varsha Jadhav is telling what are the disadvantages.

Pay attention to the well fitting bra too

First of all, care should be taken that the bra should be comfortable. Wearing a tight, small cup size bra causes the shape of the bust to deteriorate. Therefore, it is important to understand that wearing a bra has its advantages, but its wrong use also has many disadvantages. There are many types of bras. Despite this, even the best bra should not be worn at night.

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Which bra is best if you have to wear it all day long?

if you want to stay at home, then it is best to wear a cotton bra. This fabric is comfortable and the skin can breathe in it. It absorbs sweat, which reduces the chances of skin problems like itching.

When to wear the wired bra you have in your wardrobe?

Wired bras have become a trend. Since the shape of the bust is fine in this, girls like this bra very much. But wearing such bras should be avoided for more than 3-4 hours. In the changing season, the heat is increasing. In such a situation, problems like itching, pigmentation, and skin allergies can increase due to wired bra. Dark spots can also emerge on the skin due to wearing a wired bra for hours and years.

Sports bra for workout and fitness activity

If you participate in activities like aerobics, gym, running, or cycling, choose a sports bra. Working out in a padded-wired bra makes you sweat more. Skin allergies can occur due to prolonged sweating.

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Why shouldn’t you sleep wearing a bra?

While sleeping at night, one should wear loose, soft, and comfortable clothes. Despite being soft, the bra is not loose and comfortable, due to which the blood circulation around the bust is affected. Due to tight elastic bras, there are marks on the skin, and sleep is interrupted.

Doctors also recommend taking off the bra at night and sleeping. There has been a lot of research on the habit of sleeping while wearing a bra. The talk of increasing the risk of cancer due to sleeping while wearing a bra has also been raised from time to time. Although there is no concrete confirmation about this, sleeping while wearing a bra keeps the whole possibility of bust-related problems.

Wearing a bra day and night increases the risk of fungal infection. Women who wear bras of fabrics other than cotton are more prone to fungal infections. Actually, while wearing a bra, sweat keeps collecting around the bust, which damages the skin.

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What kind of bra should women choose for themselves?

  • Get a bra according to body fitting. Neither too loose nor too tight.
  • While taking a bra, keep in mind the cup size. Small or big cups bra spoil the shape of the bust.
  • Take special care of your comfort. Don’t fall prey to trendy and good looks.
  • Since the bra is in constant contact with the body, take special care of the fabric.
  • Inexpensive bras can cause skin redness or allergies, avoid them.
  • Choose the right bra for the right occasion. Do not wear any bra with any dress.

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