National Apricot Day: Explainer-Apricot is often given as a dry fruit during festivals or weddings. But very few people would have eaten its fruit. People often make the mistake of considering apricot as peach, but it is not so. Apricot is very beneficial for health.
National Apricot Day:
Apricot is a fruit that is eaten more as a dry fruit than as a fruit. In many countries, it is also eaten as a snack. This yellow-red looking stone fruit looks like peach and plum. Many people consider it a foreign fruit but it grows in India too. Apricot is also called Jardalu in some places. It is as tasty as it is beneficial. Eating it keeps the health healthy. National Apricot Day is celebrated on
9 January . On this day, know the story of apricot.
Apricot originated in Armenia?
National Apricot Day: Apricot is related to a country named Armenia which is considered a part of Europe. Apricot has been cultivated here since ancient times. From Armenia it reached China and Japan. Apricot is the national fruit of Armenia which mostly grows in the plains of Ararat. This fruit grows well in dry weather. The kernel of apricot is called apricot kernel. Milk is extracted from this almond-like kernel which is called plant-based milk. This kernel is used in many things including sweets and cakes.
Apricots were considered bad luck
After the Vietnam War (1954-1975), apricots were associated with bad luck in the US Marines. There was a belief that this fruit brings bad luck. Eating it near tanks was considered very bad. Due to this superstition, people in America stopped eating it. But gradually this thinking changed and American astronauts took dried apricots with them to eat in Apollo 15 and Apollo 17 for the Moon Mission.
Apricots that reached India via the Silk Road

National Apricot Day: belong to the rose family. This family includes more than 4,000 species like apple, strawberry, cherry. Apricots have been eaten in India for almost 5,000 years. Historians believe that apricots reached India via the Silk Road but apricots grow in abundance in Ladakh. It is eaten as a fruit and dried apricots are eaten as dry fruits.
The right way to eat:
Always soak apricots overnight and eat them on an empty stomach in the morning. It is okay to eat 4 apricots a day. This keeps the body energized and provides good fat. Dried apricot is a dry fruit that reduces cholesterol.
Dietician Satnam Kaur says that apricot contains fiber, sugar, calcium, iron, protein, vitamin C and vitamin A. Apricot is a boon for people who have anemia. Anaemia is cured by eating it and heart diseases are also kept away. People who have constipation
problem, they benefit from eating apricot. It also controls weight. Bones become strong, eyesight improves and spots from the skin also go away. Wrinkles also do not appear quickly by eating it.
Eating dried apricots is beneficial
National Apricot Day: during pregnancy. During this time, the woman starts suffering from anemia. In such a situation, the iron present in apricot removes this problem. This also helps in the proper development of the baby in the womb. Apricot contains folic acid, potassium, calcium and magnesium which keeps the digestive system healthy and prevents bowel movement from slowing down. 2 to 3 apricots should be eaten daily during pregnancy.
Diabetes patients should be cautious
People who have diabetes should avoid eating apricots. Actually, it already contains natural sugar which can increase blood sugar immediately if eaten. Apart from this, people who have asthma or low blood pressure should also avoid it.
Peach and Apricot are Different
National Apricot Day, Most of the people get confused about peach and apricot. Actually both are similar in appearance but peach is bigger in size than apricot. It has more pulp also. Peach cannot be eaten after drying but apricot is dried and eaten like a dry fruit. Apricot juice is also drunk. Peach is juicy to eat but is sometimes hard whereas apricot is very soft. After breaking the apricot, an almond-like seed comes out from its seed. Many people eat it with great relish. Sometimes it turns out to be bitter also whereas nothing like this comes out of the seed of peach.
(Disclaimer: The information given here is based on general information. Before adopting it, definitely take medical advice. THE MONK does not confirm this.)