the HPV Vaccine Only for Girls? Know the Facts

HPV Vaccine Only for Girls: Cervical Cancer Awareness Month is celebrated every year in January. This is a serious type of cancer that affects women all over the world. However, it can be prevented if the HPV vaccine (HPV Vaccine Facts) is administered in time. In such a situation, today in this article we will tell you some common myths related to this vaccine and their truth.

HPV Vaccine Only for Girls

  1. Cervical cancer is a serious disease that affects many women.
  2. To protect against this, it is very important to get the HPV vaccine.
  3. However, there are many myths in people’s minds about this.

HPV Vaccine Only for Girls, Cervical cancer is a serious cancer that occurs in women, which causes the death of many women around the world. This is a cancer that can be prevented with the help of a vaccine. However, many people lack awareness about this vaccine (HPV Vaccine Facts), due to which this cancer is rapidly catching people.

In such a situation, every year January is celebrated as Cervical Cancer Awareness Month to make people aware about it. On this occasion, today we will tell you about some myths and their truth related to HPV vaccine (HPV vaccine importance) which prevents cervical cancer (Cervical Cancer Prevention Tips). Dr. Shweta Mendiratta, Associate Director of Obstetrics and Gynecology at Maringo Asia Hospital, Faridabad, is telling about it in detail.

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Myth 1- HPV vaccine increases early sexual activity.

Some parents are concerned that giving their children the HPV vaccine will trigger early sexual behaviour. However, this is a myth, as studies show no link between getting the HPV vaccine and changes in sexual behaviour. The purpose of the HPV vaccine is to prevent diseases caused by HPV, or human papillomavirus.

Myth 2- Only girls need the HPV vaccine.

HPV Vaccine Only for Girls, It is true that the HPV vaccine was initially targeted at girls, but this vaccination is equally important for boys. In men, HPV can cause neck, anal and penile cancer. In such a situation, vaccinating boys can reduce the transmission of the virus, which will provide protection to a large number of people.

Myth 3- The HPV vaccine is unsafe.

After years of study and constant monitoring, the HPV vaccine has been proven to be as safe as all other vaccines. It has undergone many necessary lab tests before it is allowed to be used. In most cases, the reactions are mild, such as pain at the injection site or mild fever.

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Myth 4- If you are not sexually active, the vaccine is not needed.

HPV Vaccine Only for Girls, The vaccine works best when given before exposure to HPV, usually around age 11. Even if someone is not yet sexually active, it is important to get vaccinated as soon as possible to protect against future HPV infections.

Myth 5: HPV vaccine is a 100% cure for cervical cancer


• The HPV vaccine is effective in preventing cervical cancer, but it does not provide a 100% guarantee.

• Regular Pap smear tests and consulting a doctor are equally important.

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• This vaccine is primarily targeted at high-risk HPV types.

(Disclaimer: The information given here is based on general information. Before adopting it, definitely take medical advice. THE MONK does not confirm this.)

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