Avoid Reheating These 5 Foods in the Microwave for Your Health

Foods to Avoid Reheating: Who doesn’t like hot food in winters. But it is not possible to serve hot food every time. But it is also not right to heat the food again and again in the pursuit of hot food. Know which are those 5 things that you should avoid in the evening

Microwave is a way to heat food quickly and easily. If you work in an office, you will often eat your lunch or breakfast by heating it in the microwave. But do you know that the food you are eating with great pleasure, all its nutrition has been lost in the microwave. Actually, heating food in a microwave is a very easy way. But reheating some food items in the microwave can be harmful for health. Let us tell you about 5 such food items which should not be reheated in the microwave even by mistake.

Foods to Avoid Reheating

1. Chicken and eggs: Re-heating chicken in the microwave can be dangerous for health. Because when the chicken gets cold, bacteria can grow in it. If it is not reheated properly, it can be harmful to eat, which can cause stomach problems. Therefore, always heat the chicken completely, or avoid reheating it. On the other hand, if you re-heat the eggs in the microwave, it can cause changes in the protein structure of the egg. This can make your egg tight. Apart from this, bacteria can also develop in the egg.

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2. Vitamin C rich food: Vitamin C foods are often water soluble, that is, they dissolve in water. Also, vitamin C is very sensitive to heat. In such a situation, whenever you re-heat such food in a microwave, its vitamin C gets destroyed. Broccoli, bell pepper, berries and green leafy vegetables should not be heated.

3. Spinach and greens: In winters, you often take greens for lunch, but if you eat your cold greens by heating them in the microwave, then be a little careful. Reheating spinach or other green vegetables (like fenugreek, mustard etc.) in the microwave can be harmful for health. They contain nitrates, which if reheated at high temperature, can turn into nitrites. This can be very dangerous for your health. It affects the heart and blood pressure.

4. Watery soups and stews: Foods to Avoid Reheating, To take care of their health, many people take watery soups or stews to the office. But while reheating them in the microwave, it is important to keep in mind that they are completely hot, otherwise bacteria can grow in them. Apart from this, if the soup or stew contains any milk or cream, then it can get spoiled and its taste can also change when it is cooled and reheated.

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5. Rice: Foods to Avoid Reheating rice in the microwave can cause some problems. If rice is not stored properly, bacteria (such as Bacillus cereus) can grow in it, which can cause stomach illness. Therefore, when reheating rice, make sure that it is completely hot and consumed immediately.

Microwaves can be a convenient way to reheat food quickly, but there are some food items that should be avoided reheating.

(Disclaimer: The information given here is based on general information. Before adopting it, definitely take medical advice. THE MONK does not confirm this.)

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